
Reader models help personalize text based on predefined user groups. Using this feature, we can generate partially or completely different texts for users that belong to different groups.


After deciding what groups are relevant to your domain, you need to add them to reader model configuration file, which is located in api/resources/config/readers.edn.

Lets define configuration for New customer, Discount customer and Loyal customer:

[#:data.spec.reader-model{:code "Nc" :name "New customer" :available? true}
 #:data.spec.reader-model{:code "Dc" :name "Discount customer" :available? true}
 #:data.spec.reader-model{:code "Lc" :name "Loyal customer" :available? true}]


When configuration is complete, defined reader models should appear in Accelerated Text sidebar:


Next, we will construct a Document plan with reader-specific branches using if-condition blocks and a special *Reader variable. Here it is:


Notice the usage of "is in" check instead of "=". This way, a reader can be regarded both as a "New customer" and a "Discount customer" at the same time!

Here are the text examples with different reader configurations, produced using Document plan pictured above.

